

for Tarre Nelson (hn) (2022) (8’30”) (panel I of Triptych II)

Program Note:

Antithesis is the first panel of my second triptych of solo pieces, preceding Not buried, but just under the surface, and Catharsis. The piece (as well as Catharsis) is defined by opposition (but not necessarily conflict) and negation. It is not a negation of self, however, but rather a negation of what came before. Tendrils reach between each panel as well as beyond the frame to connect to each other and hint at more beyond themselves.

This piece was composed for Tarre Nelson for their DMA recital at Florida State University.




Performance History:

  • World Premiere, March 18, 2023, Southeast Horn Workshop; Tarre Nelson, horn
  • March 22, 2023, DMA Recital, Florida State University; Tarre Nelson, horn
  • May 25, 2023, rhythm is image, Frequency Series, Constellation Chicago; Matt Oliphant, horn